In the great scheme of things the Historic Commercial Vehicle Club (South Australia) hasn't been around for very long with 2009 being their first year for club events. Their recent Hills of Adelaide run was an outstanding success. How to keep such a high standard of event? A display at Port Adelaide will help. Throw in a bus trip and dinner the night before and you've got all the trappings of a good HCVC event.
Above: some superb restorations are coming out of SA these days. Good to see older restos, like Dave Kent's well-travelled Commer and the Austin's Morris Commercial, waving the flag too.
Murray Langford, who sent these great pics in, also drove in the 'Classic' Bay to Birdwood Run. This event attracted "50 or so" commercials ranging from ute to heavy bangers. Here's just a small selection. Driving my own truck in a Bay to Birdwood is one of my goals. I think I need to add an HCVC SA run or three to that list. Well done those men and women!
Top: the most stunning Inter AA ever? I think so! Above: tidy G88. Good to see older Volvos attracting as much attention as their English and American cousins.Above: nice Dodge. Looks like she's just been retired or still works with an appreciative owner. Below: Commer CB prime mover. Phwoar.