Thursday, August 12, 2010

10,000 visitors - thank you

It's probably been a while since the counter ticked over the 10,000 mark but thank you to everyone who has visited (I suspect at least 1,000 of those visits were me!) and continues to do so.

The recent email announcement by me about the Golden Oldies club sponsoring ACC has currently come to nothing due to a restructure of the club. I need to speak with someone tonight to get an update but this blog is currently being resurrected and will have some new posts on it by the end of the approaching weekend.

Thanks again to everyone who has been patient with my recent unreliability. Life's been a bit empty without old trucks and contact with the great people that own them so here's hoping I can get things going to where they were and I thank you again for continuing to visit and for supporting this site.

Andy Wright


  1. HURRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I was starting to think that you had been swallowed up by a rogue Bedford Andy.
    We NEED this site to show all our treasures on.

  2. Thanks Mike although there's no such thing a a rogue Bedford ... just rogue drivers!

  3. nah - every Bedford is a rogue Bedford - as only rogues drive them ! ;)

    seriously glad to see you back

  4. Says the man who runs NFI Transport... :-P

    Thanks, Bruce.
